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Your Hair Is Your CROWN!!!

For years, young black girls have been taught “Your Hair Is Your Crown and Glory” from Your Mother, Grandmother, or even Aunty. “Yes ma’am, I know”, would be a common answer. But do we really know? Do we really care? Does the Hair on my head mean I am more worthy? Or let’s take this...

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Which Entrepreneur Am I??

I’m Fabienne Ami, Wardrobe Style expert, teaching Emerging Brand Entrepreneurs to use the same energy they exhibit in their business to activate their Signature Style. In the years of Styling and building my own brand, I’ve come across several business owners: Lash Studio, Nail Company, DEI Agency, Production Company, Chef, Micro-Influencer, Makeup Artist, Brand Management...

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Because Representation MATTERS!

Last month was Black history month. And one thing you don’t see much of is Blacks in Japanese Street Fashion. I won’t say we don’t see Black people in alternative fashion because let’s face it – ALL ALTERNATIVE FASHION IS BLACK FASHION! Yea I said it, fight me. Somewhere along the way, from cultural swag...

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