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Indie Fashion Week is back in the DMV – APRIL 2022! The Search is ON for Sponsors, Designers, Boutiques & Beauty Professionals!

Fashion Friends! It’s that time of year once again! Indie Fashion Week is coming back to the DMV for Cycle THIRTEEN! Another amazing spread of events designed to uplift and promote the emerging fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands of our area! The events will take place between April 3 – 9, 2022 – SO PLAN...

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Black Fashion & Art Weekend MODEL CALL at “Model Mondayz” [12/27]

Chop it up with Chris Kringle, then HIT THE RUNWAY!!  December 27, Model Mondayz presents the OFFICIAL MODEL CALL for the upcoming BLACK FASHION & ART WEEKEND!  Location: The Republic Garden 8402 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD Time: 8pm – Midnight, Showtime is at 9pm! // CHAMPAGNE OPEN BAR from 8-9pm Model Call & Info...

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Your Hair Is Your CROWN!!!

For years, young black girls have been taught “Your Hair Is Your Crown and Glory” from Your Mother, Grandmother, or even Aunty. “Yes ma’am, I know”, would be a common answer. But do we really know? Do we really care? Does the Hair on my head mean I am more worthy? Or let’s take this...

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