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“Just because we are family, does not mean I have to deal with your toxic behavior…”

Have you ever been in a space where you have had a terrible experience with a family and when you express concern you’re met with “they’ve always been that way, just let it go”? As if the behaviors should be swept under the rug like a little dust bunny they don’t want to let go....

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Your Hair Is Your CROWN!!!

For years, young black girls have been taught “Your Hair Is Your Crown and Glory” from Your Mother, Grandmother, or even Aunty. “Yes ma’am, I know”, would be a common answer. But do we really know? Do we really care? Does the Hair on my head mean I am more worthy? Or let’s take this...

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Which Entrepreneur Am I??

I’m Fabienne Ami, Wardrobe Style expert, teaching Emerging Brand Entrepreneurs to use the same energy they exhibit in their business to activate their Signature Style. In the years of Styling and building my own brand, I’ve come across several business owners: Lash Studio, Nail Company, DEI Agency, Production Company, Chef, Micro-Influencer, Makeup Artist, Brand Management...

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Because Representation MATTERS!

Last month was Black history month. And one thing you don’t see much of is Blacks in Japanese Street Fashion. I won’t say we don’t see Black people in alternative fashion because let’s face it – ALL ALTERNATIVE FASHION IS BLACK FASHION! Yea I said it, fight me. Somewhere along the way, from cultural swag...

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What I Do With My Body AND My Life is MY BUSINESS!!

As a young black woman in today’s America, I am constantly being told what society feels is the best thing for me – get a top tier education and be top of my class, get a career and work hard and even being a strong support for my family and my man all while supporting...

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“GO4T” has officially hit the scene…and DMV Artists should be afraid…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 2, 2021   CONTACT/INQUIRIES ROE: The Agency, LLC 301.674.8577   FINALLY, an original mainstream sound emerges from Washington, DC! Critically acclaimed Hip-Hop Artist DON RICO sets the bar high with his highly anticipated release “GO4T”     (February 1, 2021) The Washington, DC sound is non-existent. Many would describe it...

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